The Design Process

Wireframe in Whimsical

Why The Article

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has been a topic for years now and rightfully for many different reasons. Due to its vast potential of taking over any kinds of work, it has created an uproar in the society due to risk of losing their jobs. And in the past month, websites that generate art through A.I with just few words from the user has been a topic. Either people just enjoying the feature and creating some bizarre output or debate against the artists and the new breed of A.I artists. Since I used to draw myself in the past, I have had the opportunity to make friends that are dedicated on arts over the years. Then with the news of an A.I generated art winning an art contest, it has been quite an interesting topic to discuss amongst them. So, I decided to use the article for my project because it’s a very recent event and also something that I have been interested in.

The Fonts

Since the topic is about Artificial Intelligence, the aim of the chosen font is to give a modern vibe to the site. The font Montserrat is used for the paragraph content for its clean and delicate serif design that is common in modern web designs. While the Expletus font is going to be used for headings due to its distinct styling that can be usually found in sci-fi genres.


The colors is inspired from the art that won the competition which the article is based upon. The art has variation of orange as primary color to grab the attention of the viewer with the foreground that uses darker colors except the center part of the image which sees the use of white and bright shades of color. This led me to use bright orange for the highlights and buttons of the site and black as the header background that the users will first see when they open the website. And followed with a simple black text on white background for the main content that is easy to read.